Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2009

Quick indexed on Google

Connecting posting yesterday that I will post tips on how to order our blog indexed faster in google. Of course, these tips are not a hundred percent guarantee that our blog will be indexed faster, but so-so for the try and actually prove it was my own truth.
Like the earlier statement, that after we signed up on google, our blog is not directly indexed on google search engine, but it may take 3 to 4 weeks even if the bad luck could be up to 8 weeks before our blog search engine terlisting him. Well that is not too tired of waiting, some tips for my friend, please try it and see.

Improving blog settings
For step-by-step setting (Settings) blog, I have a full post, please read here!, But because the posting is made before any service-speaking blogger Indonesia, the settingannya speak english. But still I am sure that my friend would faham with what I write.

Links to blogs with high page rank
One way that our blog indexed faster in google is the link to our blog that has a high page rank, and usually these blogs are well-known blogs. Examples of blogs that Indonesia is very famous for his blog is mas fatih syuhud, blogs kang Agus hery in, and many others. My suggestion first put up their blog link on my friend's blog page, and then ask to blog buddies in linkback or link back to them. Demand for the linkback can add to the guest book (shoutbox) or can be via post or comment on a more personal if you want to send via email. I am sure they will soon put a link on their blog buddies, or if in three days was not in the linkback, add back a request for dilinkback due to popular blogs in one day is not just one or two pairs of blogs are their blog links, then naturally when there is one or two blogs that overlooked for the linkback.
Place the meta tag
One way that our blog is more in the lyrics or the recognizable by his own search engine is installed om google meta tag in the header on the blog template code. example of meta tags for bloggers like this:

<meta name="robots" content="INDEX, FOLLOW"/>
<Deskripsi dari blog sobat di sini "/>>
<kata kunci atau keyword simpan disini, buatlah beberapa keyword yang sobat anggap sangat berhubungan dengan blog sobat "/>>

That must be considered is the writings of a red printed. Writings must be adapted to conditions in the blog buddies.

For a description, please fill in the description of blog buddies. example for mine blog is "a practical guide to blogs on tips, tricks, and download the software for free".

For the keyword (keyword), please fill in keywords related to the blog buddies. example for this blog is: blog tutorial, how to create a blog, make blog, how to make blogs, and so on. Do not forget to insert commas to separate keywords with each other keywords.

For the blog title, please fill in the title of the blog sobat.Contoh: for this blog is the blog tutorial.

For those who do not know where is the meta tag in the store, the answer is in the blog header code, or if you are still confused just save it under code .

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